Events speaker

2023 Australasian Medical Writers Association conference
Auckland, New zealand

1.5-hour Workshop: ‘How to keep your readers reading - using journalistic tricks to spice up writing’

The average read time for most online news articles is 55 seconds. That’s not a lot of time to communicate complex ideas! When reading is effortless and enjoyable, readers tend to stick around longer. In this workshop, we’ll cover techniques that journalists use to add drama, tension, colour, and life to even the driest subject matter. Whether you’re writing press releases, research papers, fact sheets, summaries or news articles, a sprinkle of sugar and spice will help keep your reader reading.

From Attendees: “Practical and helpful” … “So engaging and full of tips to spice up my writing” … “Definitely got me thinking about expanding the types of writing that I do.”…”your techniques were so effective and you managed to make the activities really fun.”

2022 Australasian Medical Writers Association conference

1.5-hour Workshop: ‘Audacity: Or How I Overcame My Fear of Microphones and Taught Myself to Podcast’

2022 Australasian Medical Writers Association conference

Panellist: ‘Pathways to Health and Medical Communications’

Sharing career journeys & advice.

2019 Best Australian Science writing anthology Panel
Stanton library, Sydney

Panellist & author